Blogs & Articles

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How to Brighten Your Winters: Tackling Seasonal Affective Disorder

In this blog, the author explores Seasonal Affective Disorder in the Indian context and how one can handle it.
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A Beginner’s Guide to Meditation

Meditation is a practical way to calm and centre the mind, reduce stress, and foster mental clarity.
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Religion, Spirituality, and Mental Health

A blog exploring the psychology of religion and spirituality and its impact on the human psyche.
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My Journey of Altruism

Author's reflection on her journey of being altruistic.
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Laugh it off! - The balance of finding humour in life

Using humour as a defense mechanism can be good and bad.
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Grow Grey with Grace! My Experience Of Accepting Myself

Author's take on growing old and accepting oneself
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Anxious Woman – Avoidant Man: The Journey of pulling and pushing

Author's reflection on how two different attachment styles can lead to an unhealthy relationship
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Travel - A Journey of Self-Discovery

From finding peace in chaos to embracing the freedom of letting go, the experience of travelling fosters self-awareness, and empathy.